Salary Increases In 2023 Could Cause A Stir

It’s unlikely that South African employees will get a raise that matches the expense of living this year.

According to reports, unfortunately, the financial outlook for businesses currently is gloomy due to the state of South Africa, and this will directly affect their ability to provide any kind of substantial raises to employees. Which sets the table for stormy wage talks this year.

Certain aspects of the current economic climate will impact salary increase decisions. These include:

  • Pedestrian economic growth;
  • Despairing energy supply;
  • Zero investment confidence;
  • High inflation; and
  • Dismal service delivery at all levels of government – local, provincial and national.

Employers have a hard time ahead as they need to cautiously make salary increase decisions, and employees may have to work harder for bonuses and incentives depending on company performance.

Make sure you have one of the leading labour law firms, SVN Attorneys, at your side during this year’s wage talks.

We offer the following labour law services:

  • Labour Relation Compliance
  • Chairing of Disciplinary, Incapacity Hearings
  • Facilitations of Retrenchments
  • CCMA Conciliation
  • CCMA Arbitration
  • Labour Court Litigation
  • Employment Contracts

We also offer monthly fixed retainer services for companies/employers. Please contact us for a free assessment.

We offer the following services to Employees:

  • Labour-related legal advice
  • Referring to unfair dismissal disputes
  • Referring to unfair labour practice disputes
  • CCMA Conciliation
  • CCMA Arbitration
  • Labour Court Litigation
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